Can You Believe In An Invisible God?

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Some people only trust what they can see, touch, smell, hear, and taste. These are all physical attributes of a physical universe. But what if there is more out there? Suppose that higher dimensions exist and life exists in them, but we don’t have the ability to sense them. Can God be invisible because He exists in higher dimensions? Can you believe in an invisible God?

If you could imagine a world in which everyone was flat and could not perceive up and down, we know there is a whole world of things that exist that aren’t on the plane that the flat people lived on.

Now, imagine the opposite. Suppose we are like the flat people living on a plane, only we have three dimensions. Someone who exists in higher dimensions could actively be doing things outside our ability to perceive them. It’s the same concept, only stepping up the number of dimensions. It’s mind-boggling for us to even try to envision higher dimensions. But suppose they are out there, and beings exist in them.

They are invisible to us, but they are there just like we are invisible to flat people on a plane, but we are here.

In this way, it is possible to believe in an invisible God.

We will explore this question on this website and provide evidence that it is possible and food for thought.

Check out the following pages on our site as a primer:
Why Is God Invisible?
4D Encounters in a 3D World
Why Did God Create Us in a Dimension He Doesn’t Live In?

Happy exploring!

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