Why Did God Create A Dimension He Doesn’t Live in?

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The physical universe is lower dimensions from where God lives.

Have you ever wondered, “Why Did God Create A Dimension He Doesn’t Live in?”. If we assume one reason He created us is for companionship, wouldn’t He also want to live amongst us? We pondered that as well. This page is what we’ve come up with to answer that question.

Visit this page: Why is God Invisible? Understanding the content of that page will give a foundation and help in understanding this page.

On that page, you will discover…

  • There are dimensions higher than the physical universe.
  • We refer to higher dimensions as “supernatural” and beings that dwell in them as “spirits”.
  • According to Christian Scripture, people are composed of a spirit that is temporarily housed in a physical body.
  • Christians believe that spirits are eternal.
  • God created this physical universe and temporarily placed us on the earth, and our native environment is in higher dimensions.

Look into the Multiverse, and you might be inspired to ponder questions like…

“Why did God create a dimension for us to dwell in temporarily, and not just have us permanently dwell in the dimension He dwells in?”

To answer that, let’s first think about some relevant attributes God equipped us with when He created us and placed us in the physical universe. Humans have free will and the ability to reason and make choices.

We aren’t like puppets or androids, pre-programmed with Artificial Intelligence that God created to do whatever He wants. He wants companionship. God desires to interact with free-thinking, free-feeling individuals capable of making up their minds about Him.

But life in the physical universe is temporary, so there has to be more to it than simply creating temporary beings to interact within a dimension where God doesn’t dwell.

The Bible makes it clear He wants individuals who choose Him to interact with, to dwell with Him eternally…

Jesus walked on earth as a man in the physical dimension.  He is relationship-oriented and loves all people.

Throughout the Bible we get the impression that God is “relationship oriented” because the terms used to refer to people are relational.

The Christian bible teaches that Jesus came to reconcile us back to Him so that we have the choice to have a relationship with Him.

He wants us to…

More than that, God actually became a man in the same way we are born into this dimension (born of a woman), and He dwelt among us. The Bible says he was conceived by the Holy Spirit of God in a virgin. He called Himself the “son of man” and the “son of God”.

We will go into why God became a man on another page. For now, accept that God is relationship-oriented and wants us to be family to Him.

He wants lots and lots of people interacting with Him in His world. God charged us with the task to “be fruitful and multiply” (see Genesis 9:1 and Genesis 9:7, among other places in Scripture).

God commanded Adam and Eve to “be fruitful and multiply“.

God asked Adam to name all the animals in the Garden of Eden.  Before he sinned, Adam and Eve walked with God in the physical dimension.

He was so serious about procreation that God created us male and female biologically, and gave us an irresistible sex drive so that we would join and conceive others like us.

From a Christian perspective, we see God put us in this physical universe and wants us to multiply. We are eternal beings, and when we pass from this physical life, we live on in the higher dimensions, either with God or in a place assigned to us that is separate from God. That’s all background to why we are temporarily in a different dimension than God.

Because we were created with free will and independent ability to make choices, we can either choose to reject God or love God. As you know, we can make many more choices than that, but it turns out that choice is critical to being in this temporary physical dimension.

There is a story in Scripture about some of God’s created beings, called angels, rejecting Him. Their story is a little different because they were already dwelling in God’s dimension.

Satan and a third of the Angelic hosts were cast out of Heaven for their rebellion.  Doomed to eternal damnation, they make it a mission to dissuade people from following God.

God has experience with His creation rebelling against Him in His Kingdom. Lucifer was an Angel who dwelled in the Kingdom of God. A created being, he decided he could run the Kingdom better than God Himself. Lucifer had a following of about one-third of the angelic hosts. He was cast out of Heaven with the third of the angelic hosts who followed him.

The name Satan was given to Lucifer, and his fallen angels hosts are demons.

God chooses to have his dwelling place reflect His character: Love and Righteousness. The Bible says God cannot look upon sin. God’s Kingdom is a place of eternal joy, peace, and love. Those are things that all people seek. We seek those things in the wrong places when we use our own methods.

Artist's rendition of Judgment Day.
Artist rendition of Judgment Day

It makes sense God would screen out those who would eventually cause problems. What better way than exposing the heart to determine who is worthy of the Kingdom? Our life’s testimony exposes our hearts. As we go about building our life’s testimony, we do so unaware that the testimony we build will be used on Judgment Day. That makes it genuine as opposed to staged or faked.

And if you think this “tip-off” gives you an advantage – you better do it truthfully. On Judgment Day, when you are face-to-face with the awesomeness of the One Who created you and feel that context, you will realize there is no hiding the truth. That’s the real tip.

An even better tip is that you can decide to change at any point you are alive. But do yourself a favor and choose sooner rather than later so you will benefit in eternity from your decision. Good advice to go with that tip is to seek God and His kingdom first.

Also, everyone that loves knows God. But before you think you’re in, first study what kind of love Scripture talks about. It is a selfless love that serves others first and is ready to lay life down to glorify and serve God. It’s a tough decision, but the alternative is tougher because it’s for eternity.

We occasionally encounter people who think, “I don’t want to go to heaven with all the goody-goods. I want to go to Hell and party all the time.” People like Jerry Garcia and the Grateful Dead, which is themed on that idea, Saul Alinsky, who bases his methods on the evil techniques attributed to the devil, and others all espouse this idea.

But Hell is described in Scripture not as a party place but as a lake of fire with eternal torment and a place where there is “weeping and gnashing of teeth“. And if you want to follow the devil and his minions, you will be locked in a bottomless pit for eternity. When you see God, you will want to be around Him.

This gives us another clue as to what God intends in putting us in this temporary physical setting. God doesn’t want anyone in His domain who doesn’t love and accept Him.

God could have just started creating us and deciding who would dwell with Him and who wouldn’t. But we wouldn’t be in on the decision and there would always be some doubt as to whether the decision was fair.

Think of the physical universe as a stage where we each play out what is in our hearts concerning relationship with God. We build the testimony of our lives lived here. It’s a testimony that will reveal our hearts about God when we pass from this physical universe.

The Book of Revelation describes the end of the physical universe as we know it. That book mentions our testimony in the context of how we overcome.

Revelation 12:11 says: “And they overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their life even when faced with death.”

“Him” in this passage is “the Devil”. Lucifer (or Satan) has been trying to pull people away from loyalty to God since the day he declared he would rule heaven and was cast out of Heaven as a result. He has done that since the beginning and will do so for as long as he has time to try.

In Isaiah 14:12-14 it says: “How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations!
For you have said in your heart: ‘I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.’”

We can’t let Satan dissuade us from our faith in God or talk us out of loving God. Belief, faith, and love of God are our testimonies that help us overcome the devil. So, our testimony is important to our salvation.

God already knows each individual and who would choose to love Him or reject Him. He created us, after all. The testimony of our lives will answer the question beyond doubt whether or not we belong with God for our benefit and God’s glory. We are here to build that testimony to demonstrate to ourselves our choice concerning our relationship with God.

Whatever we choose is our choice, and we alone are responsible for that choice. And we will stand before God to account for our lives alone. We can’t hang out with a group and say we made the choice together. After all, we were given free will and ability to make choices individually. It’s not something we can share with a group. Even if many have made the same choices, it doesn’t mean they are correct if they go against God’s will. God won’t assess people as a group. We will be evaluated as individuals not groups.

It is critical to make an informed decision about your relationship with God. God is relationship-oriented, and He wants us all to interact with Him. If we choose not to, we will be assigned a place apart from God for eternity.

God created our physical dimension to keep us separated from Him temporarily.

The fact that God went to the trouble to create the physical universe and equipped us with the ability for independent decision-making so we build a life’s testimony and go through the arduous process of being born into His own creation to reconcile us back to Him shows how important our lives are to God. It shows that we aren’t just some forgotten piece of kinetic sculpture sitting on God’s coffee table.

We are created with God as the center of our existence, and when we are in the next dimension and clearly see the situation, we will always want to choose to dwell with Him. It will be a “no-brainer” choice at that point. But for many, it will be too late to make that choice. That’s why we need to make that choice as soon as possible.

Creating a dimensional barrier keeps certain realities about eternity from us while here on this physical plane. That has the effect of bubbling to the surface things that expose our hearts candidly. The net effect is that will testify about us when we die and face the final judgment before going to our eternal place.

When we pass out of this dimension and into the higher dimensions, we carry our testimonies with us, and God uses them to demonstrate to us why we will either dwell with God or be assigned a place apart from Him.

Artist rendition of the throne of God where Judgement will take place.  In a higher dimension, we are unaware of and can neither prove nor disprove its existence.  We can't see it!  It's in a dimension we cannot perceive.
This is an artist’s conception of the throne of God, where Judgment Day will take place.

Scripture has much to say about the occasion of God assigning us where we live in the higher dimensions. It is called Judgement Day.

In Revelation 12:10-11 the Bible tells us that we overcome the devil because of the blood of the lamb (Jesus crucifixion to reconcile us back to God), and because of the word of our testimony, and because we don’t love our lives more than God. Testimony in this physical life factors into our eternal life. More on this elsewhere on this website.

The blood of the lamb and not loving life unto death are important pieces of how God will test us; these will be explored in other pages. We are investigating why God temporarily put us in this lower physical dimension, and our testimony is a crucial part of the reason.

The Full Armor of God is for our battle to maintain “The Faith” in our lives.

Scripture talks about The Armor of God in Ephesians…

Ephesians 6:11-20 (NIV)

The Armor of God
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

Overcoming the devil isn’t a spiritual struggle with the devil. It is retaining our faith despite the trials and tribulations brought on by the devil and the decisions affecting us we and others make that matter. It’s faith that has belief underlying it that is important. If we believe, aren’t double-minded, and don’t turn back once we put our hand to the plow, we are worthy of the Kingdom of God.

Scripture gives us the three tools we need to overcome the devil.

Remember that God is about relationships; a relationship with Him is vital. It’s more important than meeting the other qualifications.

We will discuss how you can relate to someone in another dimension on a different page. Just know that reading about God is different than spending time with God and getting to know Him personally. Would you marry someone you only read about? Wouldn’t you want to spend time with them first to get to know them? It’s the same with God.

Meeting the qualifications can be terrible news or great hope, depending on your heart.

The good news is, if we realize what will happen, have a change of heart about our relationship with God before we die, and learn the truth about God, it’s only ever too late when we take our last breath.

But bear in mind that it is dangerous to take the mindset that you will change later and do what you want now. You don’t know how long you will live in this physical dimension. What if you’re hit by a car and killed before you change? You just don’t know.

A mindset that chooses to wait until the end to decide is actually exposing the fact that a person hasn’t chosen God in their heart. God examines hearts to determine the intent of our thoughts.

You might think something like a career choice, marriage, or going to the doctor is the most critical decision you can make in life. But what about eternity? Isn’t that the most crucial decision you have to make? Eternity is for a very long time.

We have things in life we don’t see the benefit of while we are building because it’s intangible, or doing that thing prevents something undesirable from happening. We don’t realize the benefit tangibly. Saving money is like that. Investing in your eternal future is like that, too.

This is the most critical decision to have settled in your heart of any you will make in this physical life because of the eternal ramifications.

You may think this all makes sense and is coherent, but why should I believe in the Christian God? Why not the Hindu or Buddhist god? Or why not accept what Humanists say…that all religions lead to God, so what difference does it make what path I take?

We explore those questions on this website.

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