
Judaism in practice.  Faithful lamenting at the "wailing wall".

This picture depicts Jewish people worshipping, and practicing Judaism. The strict faith has not changed for at least as long ago as 1571 BCE when writings first appeared.

The Three Abrahamic Religions

Three of the five ancient world religions covered in this website stem from Abraham, the man considered the father of all Jewish people, all Muslim people, and many Christian people including the original Christian…Jesus Christ. 

  • In order of their appearance in history, the Abrahamic Religions are…
    • Judaism (5,000 BCE in written form, and our origin before that)
    • Christianity (33 BCE)
    • Islam (610 AD)

Relying On Ancient Manuscripts For Accurate Descriptions

The Game of Telephone or The Whispering Game
One player starts by whispering an original message into the ear of someone next to them. They in turn whisper the message into the ear of the person next to them…and so on. The last player repeats what they heard. The fun is in seeing how the message has changed from one person to the next. Sometimes it is a completely different message, but it is always altered from the original message when the message is longer, as in the case of a Religious doctrine.

God journaled those years before Moses Himself in the original stone tablets He gave to Moses on the mountain according to Judaic Scripture. If this turns out to be factual, we have the entire history of the Judaic faith reaching back to Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, and the creation story intact. That would make Judaism the oldest religion and the authority on our origins and who God is. It also demonstrates the account of God reaching out to us to give us our purpose. And it demonstrates that God guides us. It also demonstrates that there is a time before the written word is referenced.

Judaism is the oldest of the three Abrahamic religions (or faiths).  In the writings of Judaism, we find a description of the creation of the physical world and people and the purpose for creation.  This is just the kind of information we want to see when researching which God and religion to choose to research for the true story of God.

Where the Enmity Between Judaism and Islam Began

Abraham send his son Ishmael and his mother out of the camp.  Abraham is the father of Judaism.

Bloodlines and Inheritance – Where the Enmity Between Judaism and Islam Began

Abraham tells Hagar and Ishmael to leave and not return. Sarah and her son Isaac are in the tent. Isaac was not Abraham’s first-born child.  Ishmael was.

God had promised that He would give Abraham descendants who would receive his inheritance. 

It didn’t happen in the time Abraham thought it should.  He and his wife were beyond the years conception was possible, Abraham and Sarah decided to help that along outside of God’s plan.  Abraham’s wife Sarah gave him her servant Hagar and told him to go into her and conceive a child. 

This Abraham willingly obliged his wife to do.  As a result, Abraham’s first-born child was Ishmael.  But since Ishmael was born to a woman who was not Abraham’s wife, Ishmael was not considered heir to Abraham’s estate. 

Abraham gave his blessing of inheritance to Isaac as a result.  This created a resentment in Ishmael’s bloodline, between Isaac’s descendants and Ishmael’s descendants that is still very strong today, as we will see below.

Process Used by Jews to Copy Ancient Manuscripts

Judaic scribes meticulously maintained Jewish Scriptures. This is important to know, so we can tell how well the recent copies preserve the original artifact’s message. Recent copies, if not preserved true to the original, can virtually describe a new and different religion based on human error, guessing, and speculation. Jewish discipline in copying old to new without error is legendary, and as they copied one manuscript to a new parchment, if they made one mistake, or if they got a blotch of ink on a page, they destroyed it and started over. It far outperforms the process of all other religions, except for Christianity.

The Integrity of Jewish Scriptures

Scientists have compared the oldest copies of Judaic Scriptures still existing, to the modern copies, and they found only two differences. They were two words, and the differences didn’t change the meaning of the script. The process used to copy the originals, and copies to copies is documented. It is exacting, meticulous, and reliable.

Ancient manuscripts from Judaism are very reliable.

Comparing old to more recent documents testifies to the accuracy of the process. That demonstrates the incredible integrity of Jewish religious manuscripts.

How does Judaism grade against our criterion?

The manuscripts describe the creation and the purpose of God creating the physical universe and putting us in it. This is evidence of God reaching out to us. The process of copying original writings is legendary and reliable. They refer to a time before the written word including the creation story. God Himself guides us in the Jewish faith. So Jewish writings and the religion of the Jews is a good candidate for exploring our origins and the truth about God because it meets all of the Criterion.

But Christianity also adopts the Jewish Scriptures and all of the books of the Jewish Scriptures without modification. Christianity meets all of the criteria as well. However, we would be remiss in our due diligence if we simply decided to go with Judaism and didn’t at least look at Christianity.

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