Humanism and Other Cults

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American Humanist Association's logo.  This organization is very cult-like, jealous, and demands everyone follow their beliefs or be condemned.

Humanism is a cult-like religion that seems to argue against God chiefly through Christianity. Basically, it chooses to do that in a bitter, hateful, and jealous way. Therefore, it bogs down in a mire of minutia as it picks Christian doctrines apart.

Often, it strains to find ideas to validate its arguments. Its assertions are disjointed. Furthermore, there is no substance except to shout, “There is no God!”.


Humanism and other cults don’t believe God exists and has therefore been omitted from our study.

Other such cults deny God’s existence, or may acknowledge the possibility of God, but choose instead to practice idolatry.


Idolatry is the practice of worshipping a false god. Generally, groups like Humanism elevate themselves to gods. Like sports and entertainment, some cults seem innocuous, but they distract people away from important life topics with eternal ramifications. Accordingly, they are vehemently and jealously guarded as not involved in religion.

As a result, common element here is that they are all human-derived and don’t adequately address the assertion there is no God.

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Our Choice for further investigation: Christianity

Following our criteria for making it worthwhile to explore which religion might have the answer we are looking for; we conclude that Christianity is the best candidate. Judaism is included in that study. 

That’s not just a bias as you may suppose coming from a Christianity-focused perspective. This is how many people have come to investigate and immerse themselves in Christianity. It’s a valid way to look at it.

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