4D Encounters in a 3D World

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Illustration in 2D of objects depicted in 3D that help explain the co-existence of objects and beings in 4D.  It's hard to get your mind around it.
Illustration from a TED Educational video of a four-dimensional object (purple) intersecting with the three-dimensional world (gray cube).

What if we could experience a 4D encounter with God. What would it look like if a four-dimensional person crossed paths with our three-dimensional world? That is contrary to what one would intuitively expect – it’s counterintuitive.

Here’s a link to the video of “Flatland”. It demonstrates what a four-dimensional object might look like crossing paths with our three-dimensional world. It’s what we mean when we talk about a 4D encounter. For instance, pay close attention to the section of the video that shows the above screenshot that illustrates what that interaction could look like. As you watch, imagine the object is a four-dimensional person instead of a sphere.

4D encounters are mind-boggling to think about.
It’s mind blowing to consider portals into higher dimensions and that we have physical evidence of higher dimensions

It kind of makes your head spin to think about it. But because of recent advances in the study of higher dimensions, we know that they exist.

Are these black holes portals into higher dimensions?  Einstein predicted warps in time/space, that gave a glimpse into these higher dimensions.
This is an actual picture of doorways into higher dimensions.

People who consider themselves open minded when it comes to science are open to the idea that there are other life-forms elsewhere in the physical universe. Science estimates that there are between 1,000 and 100,000,000 planets suitable for supporting oxygen breathing, water drinking life in the Milky Way galaxy. Many believe there is life on some of those planets, yet we have no way to investigate it. Still, the possibility of other life in our universe is allowed for in many people’s minds.

Close encounters of the 4D kind.  What if fallen angels, eager to deswade us from focusing on God, are staging these spectacles?

Pictures taken by people claiming the images are UFOs. Such images have fueled the idea that there is life elsewhere in the physical universe.

What if life exist in a higher dimension that can intersect with us in our dimensions? Could these actually be 4D encounters?

Higher dimensions are a fact, so the possibility that life exists in higher-dimensions is real. But life in those dimensions is undetectable to us, unless it intersects our physical universe.

The Judeo-Christian Scriptures have several accounts of 4D encounters – or interaction between the third and fourth dimensions which support the idea of interactions between dimensions, so we have ancient accounts of those interactions.

Here are 12 examples

There are other accounts, but the above list is a good amount to explore.

As a result, when we are armed with the scientific proof of the existence of higher dimensions and documented eye-witness accounts, we can see how life in dimensions invisible to us isn’t a far fetched idea or fairytale argument anymore. It’s a very real possibility.

<a href='https://www.freepik.com/photos/background'>Background photo created by benzoix - www.freepik.com</a>
I don’t know

Many people are skeptical, if not out-right non-believers, just because higher-dimensions aren’t accessible to us. Anything you believe about our origins takes an element of faith, because it always comes down to whatever happened that created us, and nobody was around when it happened. Everyone is skeptical about something along those lines, because we can’t experience things in higher dimensions under most circumstances.

But it doesn’t mean that things we can’t get our minds around don’t exist.

In other words, physical life is temporary, and the possibility of passing out of this physical dimension into eternal life is intriguing. For that reason we might decide to spend time investigating why we are here before going into eternity.

The Christian Bible depicts intersection of four-dimensional life and three-dimensional life. Therefore one reason that Atheists, and Agnostics, Skeptics, and some Scientists consider the Bible a collection of poetry, manufactured stories, and fairytales is the assertion of invisible beings effecting our world.

However, we are bringing together some things you never hear skeptics talk about. But they are things that change the conversation, and make skepticism less likely. A lot of the assertions we bring out have to do with the integrity of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures. Other points are science based, and lend credibility to our assertions.

The content of the Judeo-Christian Scriptures, which we refer to as the Christian Bible, have first-hand accounts written by people like Moses and those who knew Jesus depicting things that can’t be explained any other way than interaction between our dimension and higher dimensions.

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